We provide beautiful eCommerce design service in the Philippines on top of a proven and durable WordPress CMS with WooCommerce plugin, complete with product listings, product detail pages, shopping cart system, online payments, order management, and simple inventory.

So, what is eCommerce? As Wikipedia puts it, “electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce or eCommerce, is a type of industry where the buying and selling of products or services is conducted over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks.”

eCommerce Design Philippines

Electronic commerce is generally considered to be the sales aspect of e-business. It also consists of the exchange of data to facilitate the financing and payment aspects of business transactions. This is an effective and efficient way of communicating within an organization and one of the most effective and useful ways of conducting business.

Technically, we cover: a) the creation of “virtual storefront”,the online catalog listing (categorized), b) your boutique’s design according to your brand, and; c) the actual selling and buying aspect of the online store that embodies the integration of globally accepted payment gateway facilities (e.g. Paypal, Stripe, etc.).



The following are the basic items covered in our eCommerce packages.

  • PUBLIC PAGES – creation and design of home page, about us, contact us and some other pages.
  • COMMERCE PAGES – creation of product listings, product detail pages, shopping cart, checkout, registration, and login pages having consistent design.
  • CMS – content management system that would allow you to:
    • Modify pages yourself in the future.
    • Create product categories or modify existing ones.
    • Create products or modify existing ones. Simple or grouped.
    • Manage orders such as cancellation, order status escalation towards fulfillment, etc.
  • PAYMENT FACILITY – basically covers Paypal payment gateway, OTC (over the counter) payments, COD (cash on delivery), and pickup. Addition of more payment gateways (e.g. Square, Stripe, DragonPay, etc.) shall be at a cost. See additional plugins.
  • SIMPLE INVENTORY – The inventory is simple, it would only cater to products measured by “piece”, and updates the quantity upon successful payment online. Support for other inventory measurements (oz, kg, ft, etc) would mean integration of another plugin at a cost.
  • SHIPPING – allows creation of shipping zones (countries or areas you wish to sell to) with one or multiple shipping methods per zone. You can also create shipping classes at a particular cost that would be used by certain group of products of similar types.


There are hundreds of plugins that we can integrate in order to “expand” the features of your eCommerce System. Here are the most common:

  • Variation Swatches and Photos – Replace dropdown fields on your variable products with Color and Image Swatches. Using color and image swatches provides a much nicer way to display variations of a product, available styles, available sizes, or pretty much anything else you can display using an image or color.
  • Payment Gateways – allows you to accept more payment gateways like Stripe, Square, etc.
  • Measurement Price Calculator – allows you to sell products that are sold in quantities based on their dimensions, square footage, volume, or weight.
  • Memberships – allows you to create membership giving members access to restricted pages, content or products.
  • Subscription – let customers subscribe to your products or services and pay on a weekly, monthly or annual basis.
  • Carriers  – Get shipping rates from popular carriers which handles both domestic and international parcels. Separate plugins required for UPS, FedEx, USPS, etc.
  • Product Addons – offer add-ons like gift wrapping, special messages or other special options for your products.
  • Sales Countdown Timer – Increase sales with countdown a timer. Use this to create a sense of urgency that compels users to place orders right away.

Premium plugins have corresponding price, which will be added to the quote as maybe required.


CMS-driven eCommerce systems are not limited to online shops with shopping carts and online payment facilities. Below are various kinds of CMS-driven online ecommerce applications that we support with the use of other extensions/plugins.


Note that this is a CMS-driven solution. Though CMS (content management system) makes a lot of things easy for you, there are cons that you need to be aware of.


  • Easy to install, create and update.
  • Plenty of free and premium themes you can choose from. However, you definitely do not want to have your site looking the same as other sites. With the help of designers/developers, the themes can be modified to fit your branding and making yours a bit more unique.
  • Hundreds of premium extensions and plugins to extend the capability of the CMS.
  • Tested and tried by thousands or probably millions of users, it works.
  • It’s good for SME (small to medium enterprise) who are looking for a quick solution to go online.
  • Fast to implement, you’ll be online and operational in no time.
  • You don’t need programming knowledge to implement this.


  • CMS are always upgraded by their creators, usually twice or trice a year.
  • When the CMS upgrades, that means the themes, extensions, and plugins must be upgraded, too. Otherwise, those might lose compatibility.
  • When your ecommerce site grew exponentially with lots of daily traffic, you become scared to update your site, too, because the update might cause unforeseen problems and interruptions to your operation. 
  • If your site uses lots of premium plugins you’ve bought and integrated into your site, this could become more expensive to maintain in the future due to expensive renewals.
  • What ifs: You’re not sure on whether the extensions/plugin creators, who are basically 3rd parties, will always be there for you. What if they lost interest and discontinued their product? What if they’re slow in implementing upgrades to their extensions/plugins in response to the CMS upgrade? What if the upgrades are still buggy but you can’t go back to previous version because the previous version is not compatible with the upgraded CMS? Lots of what ifs. 


CAVEAT: Huge multi-vendor eCommerce sites like eBay, Amazon, Shopee, Alibaba are not created using CMS-driven eCommerce solutions. These are BESPOKE web applications, created specifically for the owners. They could have their own designers and developers or may have contracted a 3rd party team, handsomely paid to include its maintenance and upgrades.

If you think that your ecommerce is projected to grow exponentially, the best solution is to go for a fully-customized (bespoke) enterprise-strength solution. You might want to check our web app development or PWA (progressive web app).